Thursday 31 October 2013

The Discussion of Queastion no. 5 Page 75 in Hudson’s Book

Afif Ikhwanul M. 
State University of Malang
English Language Teaching (ELT)

Which of the views of second language reading do you tend to support? That of Jolly and Coady that focuses on lack of trnasfer? That of Clarke and Yorio that focuses on a ‘short-circuit’ due to language deficit? What about Goodman and Goodman who view reading as a single uderlying process regardless of language and abilty? What conclusion do you make regarding Alderson’s hypothesis?

1.      Jolly and Coady (1979: 12) said that the success of reading in L2 is influenced by the reading skill in L1 and the poor L2 reader need to learn reading skill in L1 instruction.
2.      Clarke and Yorio (1971: 108) said that the poor ability of reading in L2 is caused by the reader’s lack of knowledge (imperfect knowledge) in L2.
3.      Goodman and Goodman (1978: 3-22) reading is a single process which directly connected to culture and experiential factors. Which means reading is not only about mastering english as productive and receptive input, but inside there is big role of the reader himself to interpret the meaning based on their culture and experience.
4.      Alderson Hypothesis explained that poor reading ability in L2 due to poor reading ability in L1 and poor reading ability in L2 because of inadequate knowledge of L2.
In my opinion, Jolly and Coady theory is applied in case of customacy of reading habit. If readers have good speed of reading in L1 may be influence the speed of reading in L2. But, in sometimes readers can not apply their speed of reading in L1 while they are not familiar with the words. Readers tend to slow down their reading speed in L2. The reduction of reading speed in L2 have correlation with  thier understanding the meaning of the word itself which shows readers’ imperfect knowledge. It happens to my ESP students who come from various department in University of Muhammadiyah Malang. They read better (speed and understanding) in L1 (with their authentic materials handbook) than in L2 (ESP book with specific authentic material). Goodman and Goodman is also correct in case of culture and experiential as the prominent factors of reading L2. But, reading L2 text with only relying on culture and experience will not be able sufficient for students to comprehend their reading. With imperfect knowledge of L2 may cause reverse understanding of passive sentence which motivate subject-object misconception. So, Anderson’s second hypothesis plays bigger portion than his first in the success of reading L2 as in my experience in teaching reading in ESP class in University of Muhammadiyah Malang.   
The Summary and Responds
by Afif Ikhwanul M (110221509492)

According to Carr (1982) that the first language model that has been developed are meant  to describe one of at least two different processes: how a skill is acquired and what the processes of a skilled reader look like. Historically, first language models have provieded frameworks for help in explaining second language reading processes and the variables that may be involved. Then, Barnett (1989) explains that there are problems with the model buidling of reading processes and instruction. The problems are because of limited to the knowledge, historical perspective, and trends of time which it is embended; and implication of the experimental data will change depending upon age, skill, materials, etc.  So, linguists have developed some models which in applications the models are still influenced by some problems which may differ the success of the result.
            In 1880s reading research focued on reading primarily as a vehicle for examining perceptual processes such as eye movement, perceptual span, and word recognition.  Then, after the publication of Huey’s pivotal text, Psychology and Pedagogical of Reading (1908), psychological research turn its focus to behaviorist explanatory theories, and little cognitive processing research. In 1963, Tulvin and Gold did research on speed of word recognition and comprehension. It was supported by Beck and Carpenter (1986) theory on reading process. Hence, many researches have been done by linguists to understand the best reading process and skill for learners by using Skinner’s and Chomsky’s theories as base of thinking.
            In reading and listening there are three approaches used help learners to learn the language in the form of text and listening. They are Top-Down, Buttom-Up, and Interactive Approaches.

            Top-down approaches is generally more symphatetic with psycholinguistic and sociological perspectives. In this case the reader approaches the text with conceptualization above the textual level already in the operation and the works down to the text itself. The reader makes continually changing hypothesis on certain information. The readers apply background knowledge, both formal and content, to the text in order to create meaning that is personally and contextually sensible. Goodman (1968) proposed theory of a psycholinguistics guessing game, he emphasized that in reading there is a process of interaction between thought and language. Further, he specifies the four processes how readers understand reading text. The processes are predicting, sampling, confirming, and correcting. In buttom-up approach the reader makes guesses about the meaning of the text and smaples the print to confirm or disconfirm the guess later on where the reader must employ his experiential background, general conceptual background, and his background knowledge (schema, schematta, schemes, or schemas).
            According to Smith (1971, 1994) that this approach save much time to understand the reading text rather than spending much time to investigate all visual cues as his supply on the term redundancy in language. So, this approach emphasize reading on the reader as the actor who has knowledge before reading the text and assumed to have known about the content of the text before.
            According to Hudson (2007) buttom-up approaches corresponds to the cognitive and information processing psychological concern. The reader construct meaning from letters, words, phrases, clauses, and sentences by processing the text into phonemic units that represent lexical meaning. The person encodes the message into letters and words, and some soon to be reader decodes the letters and words linearly in order to reconstruct the original notion or idea of the writer.
Gough (1972) proposes one second reading  theory which actually reader passes through reading process in which  the visual system scans the series of letters one by one, letter by letter, from left to the right. He believed that word recognition takes place prior to comprehension. so, there is Phoneme-Grapheme Correspondence in which readers read each letter from left to right one by one then bring it to the brain as symbol and send stimulus to speech organ to say the sound of the symbol which in the middle there is a process of comprehension after recognizing the letter.
LaBerge and Samuels (1974) proposed a theory of Automaticity in reading which means a reader may not only do one thing in reading but many sub-thing in reading such as a basketball players which they able to do dribbling, catching, and passing in once action of ball handling. A reader may recognize the letter, comprehend a letter, and read with sound a letter in once.
Since this approach pays attention alot on the text itself, so researches are primarily interested in how a reader reads rather than in what the reader comprehends a text. The reader focus on the grammar first then moves to comprehension of the meaning of the text. Without good understanding on part of speech as part of text to convey the meaning, readers will never have ability to grab the meaning of the text.

Hudson (2007) in his book states that the use of one only between top-down or buttom-up approach seems to be naive or simplistic. It means that reading seems to be bidirectional in its nature which is not only need the reader to recognize the syntaxtic sturcture of the sentence but also comprehending the meaning by uploading background knowledge. Then he states four things needed in reading for readers. First, vocabulary knowledge and sight word recognition. Second, phonetic decoding skills. Third, relational knowledge and prediction from context. Fourth, comprehension skill.
Grabe (1991) states that the interactive frameworks focus on the process of reading where the key is on the interacton of componential cognitive processes in fluent reading, or whether  the interactive focus is in the product of readers’ interaction with the information in the text and the readers’ background knowledge during comprehension.
There are three basics understanding of intercative approach in reading:
1.      Emphasizing on the process rather than the product of reading. The process of reading plays the most important part which play eye movement activity (recognizing letters, etc.) and direct understanding to what is being read --- autonomus view of reading.
2.      Language has surface structure (the grammar) and deep structure (the meaning comprehension) which can not be separated.
3.      Necessity of addressing social context to comprehend the text.
Some models on reading process by experts
1.      Rumelhart model, promote prediction model on featural knowledge, letter-level knowledge, letter cluster knowledge, lexical level knowledge, and semantic level knowledge. It seems that Rumelhart support interctive approach.
2.      Kintsch and Van Dijk model, promote microstucture as local level of individual propositions and macrostructure as global nature of discourse as whole in comprehension. This model realizes the reader’s schema and support top-down approach.
3.      Just and Carpenter model, emphasizes that there is eye fixation in reading which focus more in function words rather than prepositions. It supports buttom-up approach.
4.      Stanovich model, he said that poor readers (lack of word understanding and vocabulary) will not be success in reading. While reading in interactive approach need the application of reader’s sources of knowledge.
5.      Anderson and Pearson Schema-theoretic view, they focus on schema or knowledge which has already stored in memory, in text comprehension. So, if the readers have read the story before they will be easily understand and infer the story.
6.      Pearson and Tierny reading and writing model, they propose that the text contains a negotiation meaning between readers and the author. This model focuses on Thoughtful reader with four interactive roles: planner, composer, editor, and monitor.
7.      Perfetti’s model, this model has two components: local-text processes and text-modelling processes. It supports interactive approach which understanding both the words and background knowledge.
8.      McClelland, Rummelhart, et al. model, proposes PDP (Parrallel distributed processing) in which mental operations must operate in parallel manner supports the Smith’s Theory.
9.      Reyner and Pollatsek model, differs visual focus on line of text into foveal, parfoveal, and peripheral regions. The visual related to the eye movements.
10.  Mathewson’s model, states that reader’s attitude and motivation play big role in success of reading.
I believe that all linguists had done research before they proposed their theory on reading which then classified into buttom-up, top-down, and intercative approach. In my opinion, readers are actually not able to seperate to activate their background knowledge and their eye sight during the process of reading. Though some linguists believed that eye moved first to see single letter to word and so on in buttom-up approach, but actually the readers think and process that letter at the same time with very slight different of time. As in top-down approach, it is impossible for readers to activate background knowledge without words said y lecture or from the text. Reading is progressive process of understanding text by applying human senses ability and metacognitive ability (schema) which are supported by human motivation (intention to read). So, all the theories are right when the linguists see in slight different of time.

The Summary and Responds
by Afif Ikhwanul M (110221509492)

Strategies are action selected deliberately to achieve particular goals. (Paris et al. 1996 in Hudson, 2011:108). Skills refer to information-processing techniques that are automatic, whether at the level of recognizing phoneme-grapheme correspondence or summarizing story. Learning strategies are mental process that students can consciously control when they have a learning goal. (Chamot in Richard-Amato, Snow, 2005:93). 3 categories of learning strategies: metacognitive, cognitive, and social/effect. (Chamot in Richard-Amato, Snow, 2005:93). Metacognitive model describes the learning process by examine the types of strategies that are useful before engaging in a task (Planning Strategies), during engagement in the task (Monitoring and Problem-Solving Strategies), and after completing the task (Evaluating Strategies). (Chamot in Richard-Amato, Snow, 2005:94)
·          Planning Strategies
a.       Goal-setting and Selective attention; focus on specific ideas or key word as they prepare to listen or read,
b.      Organizational planning; engage in a variety of pre-writing activities (brainstorming, quick-writing, and the like) to plan the content and sequence of their composition.
c.       Making prediction make logical guesses about what will happen and Background or Prior knowledge, think about and use what you already know to help you do the task. (Chamot in Richard-Amato, Snow, 2005:94)
·         Monitoring strategies focus primarily on sense-making and awareness of whether they are communicating their ideas successfully.
a.       Prior knowledge; make associations and compere it with incoming new information to better comprehend the meaning.
b.      Selective attention; focus on important information (structure, key words, phrases, or ideas) and not become distracted by new words that are not essential to the main ideas of passage.
c.       Imagery (Visualization), to imagine the people or events in the reading or listening text. (Chamot in Richard-Amato, Snow, 2005:94)
·         Problem-Solving Strategies
a.       Making inference, use context and what you know to figure out the meanings of new words
b.      Substituting a similar word when the exact word is unknown or cannot be remembered.
c.       Cooperating with others to find solutions, build confidence, and give and receive feedback.
d.      Taking notes, write down important words and ideas and using resources such as reference materials and technology-accessed information. (Chamot in Richard-Amato, Snow, 2005:94)
Evaluating Strategies help students not only revise and improve the final product, but also engage in reflection and self-evaluation.
a.       Summarizing, after reading a paragraph or text, a student might try to make a mental summary in order to evaluate his or her comprehension.
b.      Self-Evaluation, identify what they know and can do as a result of engaging in a particular learning task. (Chamot in Richard-Amato, Snow, 2005:94)
In applying metacognitive strategies the readers relies on what has been learned in the past about achieving cognitive goals. Metacognitive model of strategic learning is a recursive model. It means that at any time during a learning task, a student may go back to a previous stage. For example, while monitoring the progress of a task, a student might feel some uncertainty about whether he or she is on the right track. By returning to the planning stage, this student can check on the task’s goal and requirement and adjust any misconceptions. (Chamot in Richard-Amato, Snow, 2005:95)
Metacognition has come to the fore in identify how to improve students learning. Metacognition means that students understand their own learning, how they learn best, how they learn less effectively, i.e. a process of self-evaluation of their learning strategies and successes. Deep learning promotes metacognition, as do higher order thinking and collaborative learning. Metacognition can be deliberately developed through  a variety of means: require students to reflect on their own learning, work through problem visually/graphically. conduct debriefing, use co-operative learning and feed back from, and to, students, introduce, and build on, cognitive conflict (a puzzling experience which contradicts others) and constructive disagreement, and have students considered:

1.      Examining aims, goals, and objectives
2.      Examining all sides of an issue/argument
3.      The plus, minus and interesting points in a situation
4.      The consequences of and sequel to, a situation (Cohen, Manion, dan Morrison, 2004:176)
Learners must first become aware of structure of text, as well as knowledge of the task, possible strategies, and their own characteristics. Metacognitive knowledge
a.       Knowledge of person
Successful students tend to relate information in texts to previous knowledge, where less successful students show little tendency to use their knowledge to clarify the text at hand.
b.      Knowledge of task
It includes two categories:
1.      Understand the nature of the information, relates to how familiar one is with the information.
2.      Comprehending the inherent demands of the task, e.g. comprehend two passages.
c.       Knowledge of strategies, involve such activities as looking for text structure within the passage. It is for monitoring an individual’s cognitive progress and how to remedy comprehension failure.
While reading, good readers will reread particular passage for clarification meanwhile poor readers will not reread the problematic section of the text. Brown (1987 in Hudson, 2011:115) explain that an activity such as looking for the main idea in reading comprehension can be seen as a cognitive strategy when it serves the goal of reading comprehension, or as metacognitive when it is used to self-evaluate comprehension.
            Reading somehow complicated skill which many students argue as the harder skill to achieve than listening and speaking, especially for ESP students who are lack of vocabularies and some of them are not satisfy with thier proposed study. As my experience, giving understanding of the activating students metacognitives helps students in reading. I do agree with what has been explained by Chamot in Richard-Amato, Snow (2005:94) which in teaching of reading three things must be employed with students’ metacognitive existence : planning, monitoring, and problem-solving activity. In planning, lecturer guides students to aware what goal will they achieve in their study. In monitoring, students aware to analyze thier works based on thier experience. In problem-solving, students are able to syntesize inference from material they read based on persuation by the lecturer.  

Tuesday 29 October 2013

The Bad Impacts of Face book Survey

Afif Ikhwanul Muslimin
State Islamic University of Malang

Facebook is called as number one social networking application program which is run by million people in the world today. Based on research by University of Alabama, the users of facebook are varies from elementary school students, teenagers, workers, and old man. They run this program not only once, but more they update, check, and give comments in facebook in a day. Furthermore, bad impacts are appeared as more people run facebook in the world.
The writer has spread 100 questionnaires to 100 college students from various departments in UMM university. The questionnaires contained 5 questions which were directed to dig the students’ opinions about facebook. These are the result of the survey:
1.      What social networking application which you mostly run?
The questionnaires said 100 % respondents said that they run facebook more intensely than other social networking applications
2.      How many times do you run facebook in a day?
There are 5 % respondents said that they run facebook once a week, 17.5% respondents said that they run facebook once a day, and more than 75% respondents said that they run facebook more than twice a day.
3.      How long do you usually enjoy facebooking every time you run facebook?
There is 100% of the respondents said that they run facebook at least 5 minutes just to check their “notifications” and then they were addicted with the “comments” in their facebook “wall” and “status” so that they continue facebooking till more than tens minutes.
4.      What are activities which you do in facebook?
Respondents said they usually do updating facebook status, checking their facebook wall, giving comments on others’ status, uploading pictures, and commonly they like to do chatting. Those activities are done by all respondents.
5.      Can a facebook give bad impact to someone’s life? Explain!
It is amazing since the questionnaires explained that 66 % respondents said that facebook gives bad impacts to its users. 20% of the respondents thinks the impacts of facebook are depended on users’ themselves and 14 % of respondents believed that facebook gives benefit to users.

This chart shows us that 3% of respondents being “narcistic” in facebook is bad and other 3% respondents explained that sitting in long time in front of computer or mobile phone makes someone is easy to be tired and dehydrate. 9% of respondents said that facebook waste their money since some of the respondents must go to internet cafĂ© or buy more phone charge “Pulsa” to run facebook from their mobile phones. So, they have to have additional money each month. Other 9 % said that facebook make the user abandon their friends when they were in conversation or meeting. Users intended to pay more attention on their cell phones than their friends so that their friends might feel that they were not listened. Some of respondents, it is about 12% said that facebook makes them lazy since it is easier to talk to many people in many places without meeting them by mobile phone only. Three of the respondents explained that if someone mostly does communication by chatting in facebook, it will reduce communication skill in real life. Furthermore, some people use facebook to send their wedding invitation and event invitation which may means they do not respect the people they invite. Finally, the 64% respondents said that facebook often make users to be addicted and they thought that running facebook in long time indicated that they waste their time. It means that people tend to spend their day time by sitting with facebook. Since every mobile phone competes to get their market, each cell phone provide facebook feature in it. A report which was explained by daily mail, sent by Dr. Aric Sigman in The Biologist, a journal was published by The Institute of Biology which was quoted by Kompas that sitting in long period in front of computer is able to activate the danger of some illness such as cancer, stroke, heart attack, and dementia (forget). In addition, he said that meeting unseen people when you are sending e-mail or chatting will stimulate oxytocin hormone (Hormon stimulates someone to hug and meet others) formation to change and decrease the resistance of the body toward illness. So, sitting with facebook in long period of time is able to a big danger.
There are facts which also show the bad impacts of such as kidnapping, social relationship defect, showing their existence or “Narzis”, and spend more time in facebook. On Surabaya post online, October 1st, 2010 explained that a girl, Demmi Langstone Sabtini (14) was lost with her boy friend who she met in facebook until now. A research by Soraya Mehdizadeh said that people who run facebook tend to be “narzis”. They always update their photograph, tell their life story, telling too detail their profile, and make their group with them as the founder. Moreover, to cover their lacks, they modify their photographs till it looks gorgeous so that it is able to attract other to meet and chat with him. Then, to do that, people can do “Lie”. Finally, facebook has many bad impacts and it is better not to be addicted by facebook.